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I am Eddie B. I am the founder and the senior missionary of Conviction For Christ Ministry based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I have a beautiful wife named Sandi and 6 wonderful children. Twenty-one years ago I started this ministry by going into one prison. From that one prison this ministry has grown to 581 prisons and 40 missionaries across the United States. Last year we had 2,108 first time salvations and 9,729 rededications. Currently we have given away over
24,000 CDs to schools and families of those who have been or are currently incarcerated. At the end of the CD we always include an altar call. There have been many people who have come to know Christ through this altar call. The vision of this ministry is to build and equip missionaries that will go into prisons throughout the United States and preach the gospel. Twenty-five years ago I was a strung-out drug addict living in the streets, with no hope of a future. It was at that point that I cried out to God, “please help me!” and God answered me. For the first time, I didn’t feel powerless over my addiction, and through the grace of God I was able to walk away from it. I have been able to effectively use my life’s testimony and music to deliver the gospel of Christ to the lost and hurting.
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