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Session One



Sunday AM service

Dr Flo sets the tone for Full Armors first revival meeting. Expectation were high and Dr. Flo stepped in the middle of what the Holy Spirit wanted to accomplish. Please watch this with the same high expectation as we had and let the Holy Spirit work in you as He did with us.

Session Two

Prophet Tim Hines


Sunday PM service

During this session Tim Hines begins to show the body a path that God is wants the body of Christ to travel down. God is preparing for Christs return and wants the church to be ready for that moment. Are you ready?

Session Three

Prophet Tim Hines


Monday PM service

During this session Tim Hines continues to build on his message on the path that God is wants the body of Christ to travel down. Are we preparing for Christ's return, so He finds His bridegroom ?

Session Four

Prophet Tim Hines


Tuesday PM service

Tim Hines completes  his three part message about getting in line with what God is wants the body of Christ to do in these last days. When you watch this message you will begin to truly understand God's plan.

Session Five

The Three Amigos

Pastors: Reeder, Carlisle, Dennis


We are treated to three perspectives on what God wants us to learn. An impressive group of pastors giving an even more impressive Word from GOD.

Session Six

Johnny Moffitt


Johnny Moffitt spoke and took us on a journey into the spirit of Ananias. The insight was a fresh breathe from the Word of GOD. We hope you will catch the Spirit of Revival!

Session Seven

Eddie B


Friday PM service

Eddie B came packing with both his music and his powerful testimony. But the evening had some surprises of it's own. This was a night that will have people talking for a good while.


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